Work Plan
Given that this project is centred on a technological need and challenge that is experienced by a large community of European SMEs, the work plan has been based on a bottom-up, industry driven approach, whereby European injection molders and mold makers will be the starting and end-point of the workplan, which will contribute to ensuring that the project is successful in developing a prototype that meets their needs and will be suitable for its eventual uptake at European level.
WP1 (Administrative and Financial Management): will centre on establishing an appropriate framework that brings together all project components and maintains regular communication with the European Commission.
WP2 (System’s Requirements and Ontology Development): will focus on analyzing and identifying explicitly current best practices in injection molding optimization and the functional requirements of the final system.
WP3 (Feature Extraction of Geometries and Generative Shape): will receive the inputs from WP2 and will be devoted to simplify the input geometry recognizing the main forms of the plastic part or the mold and to define a topological entity, composed of basic shapes and interrelations between them.
WP4 (Injection Process Modelling and Simulation): will receive as well inputs from WP2 and WP3, and will focus on the characterization of the injection production process, , the linkage between geometrical features and production features and the virtualization of mold sensorization for optimal production.
WP5 (Decision Support Tool Development): will develop the theoretical bases for an innovative decision support system using computational argumentation techniques.
WP6 (Integration and Pilot test): will fully implement WP5’s theoretical development and will integrate the subsystems of WP3 and WP4 into a web-based platform.
WP7 (Demonstrators Deployment): will demonstrate the main features of the Des-MOLD system in real industrial cases.
WP8 (Dissemination and Exploitation): will aim to make broadly known to a number of target audiences the results achieved by the different work packages during the project life-cycle.